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daring bakers
20 janvier 2009

Sevrage de blog, Daring Bakers et une Bûche typiquement française

Sevrage de blog, Daring Bakers et une Bûche typiquement française
I've been away. Physically and mentally. I've been on holidays, job and blogging. And I must confess It was a very interesting rest. Asking myself about food, photography, writing restraint, reading obligation, time wasted on my sofa with the laptop on...
29 novembre 2008

Caramel for ever for Daring Bakers

Caramel for ever for Daring Bakers
Caramel ... Sounds good to me ... Especially the "beurre salé" type ... a sort of chronical french disease ;) This month, the challenge is hosted by Dolores from Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity , helped by Alex from Blondie and Brownie , Jenny from Foray...
29 octobre 2008

Pizza tossing experiment for Daring Bakers - et hop hop hop on fait voler la pizza pour les Daring Bakers :)

Pizza tossing experiment for Daring Bakers - et hop hop hop on fait voler la pizza pour les Daring Bakers :)
Frenchies love their pizzas. They do not live only on escargots or cuisses de grenouilles or foie gras (maybe pizzas with those ingredients exist, I believe in miracles :op) They DO eat pizzas. About 10 kg per year/per person. But most surprisingly, they...
28 septembre 2008

Lavash Crackers for Daring Bakers - Des Crackers maison pour les Daring Bakers

Lavash Crackers for Daring Bakers - Des Crackers maison pour les Daring Bakers
Ooooooooooooooooooooooops ! I've been working hard this week end, and It looks like I forgot the Daring Bakers Monthly Challenge day of publication ! In my mind it was the 30th of September , and today in my netvibes, there are lots of gorgeous Crackers...
2 septembre 2008

Eclairs praliné - chocolat pour les daring bakers, ou le retour de la malédiction du kouign amann

Eclairs praliné - chocolat pour les daring bakers, ou le retour de la malédiction du kouign amann
Eclairs Praliné-Chocolat Here they are ! Not perfect, not as even/gorgeous as I hoped, but they DO EXIST, and they are delicious ! I'll write the recipe and other things later, for the moment I'm fed up with puffs :) Les voilà !!!! Pas parfaits, pas aussi...