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Il en faut peu pour etre heureux ...
31 août 2008

bad trip for Daring Bakers :(

When I read this month's challenge, I was almost hysterical !
Meeta had the great idea to make us bake chocolate eclairs. It's one of my favourite pastries. Sincerely. And I was so enthousiastic to try it for the first time !

Then I tried.

3 attempts.

I've already tried puff pastry one time, and it was a kind of disaster.

The first try wasn't baked enough and it collapsed in a few seconds.
The second try was almost the same.
Chocolate filling cream was ready, absolutely gorgeous. It was hard not to eat it before baking the eclairs.
Then I did a last try before going on week end, going to sleep lately to finish it. This time it was baked enough but treally tiny and hard to fill.
And then I faked the glaze.

The problem is that I don't want to "try" only, but succeed.
I want to bake gorgeous eclairs, as gorgeous as in the shops here.
I know I'm a little self exigent but, that's the way I am, and for that reason I won't publish chocolate eclairs for the Daring Bakers today.

I'm sad, and upset (wasting food is upsetting. a lot)

So I have 2 days out of my kitchen now, eating in one of the most fantastic restaurants of France, having a rest, and I'm sure I'll be back with a better mood, and better eclairs to show you.

Meeta I'm sorry I didn't pay tribute to your wonderful idea this month.
Dear Daring Bakers I'm sorry I have nothing appetizing to show you.
I'll try to do my best this week and publish. I promise.

Ah! C'est pas grave! Je suis sure que tu les auras un jour ces eclairs ;)
Non mais heuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! entre Gracianne et toi le français perd son latin! <br /> Bon en attendant de relire tranquillement le texte et piger deux ou trois mots rassemblés, je te conseille de retourner dans ta cuisiner faire le nécessaire: "éclairs, éclairs, éclairez moi"
Comme je cause l'english comme Dorian , I just reclame a little photo to verify. Really not presentable ???
Avec les rates fais un eclair bread pudding et attend un jour sans trop d'humidite pour recommencer. Tu veux un coup de main? Mais il faudra attendre Noel :)
Wait! Hang on a sec! How about the filling? Did you throw it away as well??<br /> <br /> Aaaaaaaaaargh!<br /> <br /> Now I'm upset too ;oD<br /> <br /> On a more serious level, I'm sorry you didn't succeed, but maybe it will be like the elusive Kouing Aman.<br /> <br /> I trust you'll be back with a vengeance!